Get Adobe Flash player ALBUM Relax – Buddhist Meditation Music – Zen Garden – Kokin Gumi – Da New AGe – Chill Out – Lounge Music Zen Garden [SINGLE] [IMPORT] Kokin Gumi (Artist) .99 http

The music is available on solo piano CD “If Only”: http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Relax – Buddhist Meditation Music – Zen Garden – Kokin Gumi

  • boynextdoor51 says:

    i feel so relaxed i was doing a test and i loeded this music in mt ipod and i passed the test wow a 100%

  • Habbib1337 says:

    awsome song when you are studying!

  • Habbib1337 says:

    awsome song when you are studying (y)

  • Vein109 says:

    I wish I was lost in the deep green forests with the girl that I love…..

    LOVE YOU ALL ! !

  • Gemendelos says:

    very realxing,nice clip : ) If you want to listen to more relaxing peacefull ambient music and deep electronic music ,both slow and fast,you can check my page and have a listen,maybe you will find something you like,lots of sound gems there,have a great day : )

  • PeacefuIRevolution says:

    Hello My Fellow Human Beings,

    The point of this YouTube page is to gather people from all over the world who are for Peace and want to put an end to all of the unnecessary Corruption. We can make a Difference and this will show that we as Human Beings are not against each other. We are Uniting here for One common Purpose and that is Justice for All!

    Coming together like this is the Key.

    The Revolution is Now!

    Let’s get BILLIONS of People to FRIEND!

  • sskhaw91 says:

    Dear all,

    Mindfulness way on Vipassana (Breathing/Insight) Meditation is the only way to Nibbana. There is no branch off. The only one way to purify the mind of all living being. Free yourself from craving, attachment, jealousy, anger and ignorance. The end of suffering for all of us.

    with Metta

  • tanya88b says:

    this is great for doing homework 🙂

  • frommysoul69 says:

    Creo que sólo debemos hacernos llevar por los sutiles sonidos , luces y destellos que puedes ver al cerrar tus ojos, gracias por el momento de relax… -.-

  • frommysoul69 says:

    Creo que sólo debemos hacernos llevar por los sutiles sonidos , luces y destellos que puedes ver al cerrar tus ojos, gracias por el momento de relax… -.-

  • frommysoul69 says:

    Creo que sólo debemos hacernos llevar por los sutiles sonidos y las luces y destellos que se puedes ver al cerrar tus ojos, gracias por el momento de relax… -.-

  • campcasey62 says:

    Loving and feeling it, just lovely. So relaxing, just the thing that this stressed out New Yorker, needs. Peace out and one love to all.

  • isuhotnready says:

    i need to listen to this more often. i get headaches listen to other songs that makes my head hurts. and i have trouble sleeping lately so this is good for me and my soul

  • halfstepdown88 says:

    Could someone inform me what artist/song is this?

    I would like to get this music on my iPod


  • BestPriceExpress1 says:

    Nice music.

  • 2912770 says:

    00:26 has it as my desktop background

  • ready734 says:

    actuallly the trickk is to click to to get thiss mp3.

  • mahimvijay says:

    it feels like the almighty himself is visible.
    its not just a relaxation music but a truly meditative one.

    Thank you

  • mahimvijay says:

    thats because you are looking at it as if it were a blast.
    try to see it as the enormous energy .(the whole video is focused on the mucho grande,the abundance.)

  • HaguChii says:

    love it

  • TheWayshowerTube says:

    Go right through my soul.

  • ImLaraCroft says:

    6:44 Turtle! *.* love this!

  • rikimaru517 says:

    why on earth is there an atomic bomb blast in this! music so peacful yet a picture so destructive….

  • faroutdudes5 says:

    @USBSTIKK Why bring marijuana into a musical video? You don’t need earthbound objects to set you free from what is holding you back.

  • faroutdudes5 says:

    @ieatlilm0nsters I completely agree, All the time i hear about weed this and weed that. It’s very troublesome.

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