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says we find people crying ‘foul’. ‘Who are you to tell me what truth is?’ ‘It is different for me’. Further, challenging peoples beliefs and explaining your own faith is now becoming a breach of human rights3.

The simple fact remains that people are right and people are wrong. People cannot agree to disagree on some issues, it is a factual absurdity that both can be right, one must be.

So what is the Truth from God’s Word4? What do you need to believe and do to be a Christian?

An almighty and eternal God created The bible tells us that we are all sinners and guilty before a holy sinless God Jesus Christ is God and came to earth on a rescue mission Jesus died on a cross as our sacrifice Jesus rose again from the grave as our saviour to prove all he taught5 Jesus tells us that we can be forgiven if we repent of our sin, trust him for our salvation through his atoning death on the cross for us, and then live for him. Jesus told us that hell is a real place with real punishment Jesus stated that he is the only way to salvation, not one of many ways Jesus says that he is coming again to judge the whole world, every person who ever lived, you and me. The bible tells us exactly what will happen during the judgement – those who are found to be trusting for their salvation in Christ alone will be saved The bible says that those who are not will be condemned to hell for eternity.

If heaven is real, if hell is real, if judgement is coming, if there is only one way of escape, if that is only through repentance and trusting in the sacrificial death of Jesus of Nazareth 2,000 years ago then surely that is the most important message.

Let’s not mess around with truth like this. Hell is real, eternity is forever, there

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