children especially)?
Well surely the clear implication to the world is that the devil, witchcraft, and evil are nothing at all and just perfectly innocent fun, child’s play, nothing to worry about. Exactly the message the Devil wants people to believe.
Halloween is an obvious easy target, but when we dig deeper we find that this is only scratching the surface and the Devil has many different truth-eroding tactics that are used all year around. Some easy to spot, some disguised, all damaging.
Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
My concern is that as Christians we need to strengthen our defences and take our awareness levels up a notch because we are either missing or ignoring many of the attacks the devil makes that slowly but surely chip away at the foundational truths of Christianity1. In recent weeks for example I have increasingly noticed the belittling, scorning, undermining and ridiculing of truth in the subject areas of death, eternity, heaven and hell in particular. I am not referring to the Christopher Hitchins and Richard Dawkins of this world, they play their part openly. I am talking about the continual and subtle bombarding by the devil on key foundational truths that result in leading modern society further away from God, His Word and most importantly the only way of salvation for sinners from death, hell and eternal punishment. What else could be more important to defend?
Let me explain using a few more examples from a wide variety of