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Armouries Museum in Leeds recently held a special exhibition showing some of the costumes, armour and weapons from a film called ‘Hell Boy’. From various websites I understand that in the movie the character ‘Hell Boy’ is summoned to earth through some kind of ceremony or séance and is some kind of anti hero.

What effect does this have?: Of course there are many more examples from TV and cinema (at time of writing a film entitled ‘Drag me to hell’ is being advertised). Subtly the message given is that you can escape from death, hell and judgement, if you are smart or skilled. At best (for want of a better word) hell is portrayed as terrifying in horror films, but by the time the credits roll up the screen all is usually well again. Alternatively hell and the devil are portrayed as comical and either toned down or the at least the concept is ridiculed and only the very worst people would ever go there to be punished.


Someone recently told me a joke about the apostle Peter at the gates of heaven. It went something like:

John died and arriving at the pearly gates of heaven met the apostle Peter.

Peter: ‘Welcome, to get in I need to ask you just one simple question – Heaven is a place of love and therefore to get in here please spell the word LOVE for me.’

John: ‘Oh okay, L-O-V-E’

Peter: ‘Thank you, well done and welcome to paradise.’

(Just as John was walking through the gate Peter received a telephone call and looked flustered)

Peter: ‘John, excuse me, would you mind watching the gate for me for a few minutes? I need to go and sort out a problem.’

John: ‘Yeah sure, no problem.’

Peter: ‘Thank you. Oh and if anyone

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