aromatherapy massage to relax. Being rubbed with scented oils like jasmine or lavender can help your mind relax while the soothing massage gently caresses your body.
Meditation of mind and body
Meditation can certainly help in reducing the tension that builds up in your mind while under the influence of stress. Originally part of the pagan religion, meditation is now being incorporated by many professionals as a healthy resort to stress and problems. Try to find a quiet place in your mind or in your office. You may sit down or lie down. Focus on each and every single area of your body and commanding them to relax with your mind. You might feel slightly heavy after wards since you are internally focused.
Try to visualize an object or phrase a question in your mind. Focus on it as long as necessary. Fleeting thoughts and scenes will flash through but pay them no heed. After a while, your mind will stop projecting images and you will feel like as if you’re floating in total nothingness. You will feel refreshed after meditation and you will be ready to face stress in the face.
Physical exercise
Another great technique to manage stress is to find an outlet for your mental and emotional burdens. Physical exercise can do wonders when dealing with stress and is incorporated by stress management clinics and workouts worldwide.
This will help you avoid effects of stress like stroke, high-blood pressure, muscle pains, and so on.You can have a near stress-free life if you can manage a healthy mind and also a fit body. Improved cardiovascular activity and a healthy heart requires you to perform physical exercise at least 4 times a week.
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