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Republican Racism, Democratic Mistakes

Over the weekend we were treated to the height of Democratic hypocrisy, and the stars are none other than our old friend Billy Jaye, (We miss ole Bubba!), and Senate Majority Leader Harry (Squeaky), Reid.

In a new book called “Game Change,” written by Mark Halperin of Time Magazine, and John Heilemann of the New Yorker, both esteemed liberal magazines, there are some typical hypocritical white liberal quotes, and the thing I’m amazed at is that they were published at all.

This is the kind of backroom speak that goes on in Washington, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and many other liberal strongholds, that usually is not repeated in public.

Over the Christmas holidays I attended, (after death threats by my wife), a large corporate gathering where all the top dogs backed the Obamessiah for the election over a year ago. I can tell you that these same people would never let black people live in their neighborhood, and that they have used all kinds of hidden pressure to insure it won’t happen. They mouth all the slogans of the moment, and talk a mean game, but reality is something far more different. It isn’t just me who noticed this hypocrisy. My daughter picked up on this stuff in her freshman year in high school when she attended events and parties at some of the McMansions around the area.

In the book, ole Billy Jaye is talking to Teddy, trying to get him to back Hillary, and he tells Teddy that, “come on, a couple of years ago this guy, (Obama), would have been getting us coffee.” The story is that this quote so offended Kennedy that he quickly endorsed Barack.

Squeaky Reid was quoted as saying that the Obamessiah was an ideal candidate because he was “a light skinned black

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