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short months away, and there will be nowhere to hide.

I’m thinking of building a carny game. The contestants will get a Mace Pepper Gun, and will stand 20 feet away from the targets, which will be Squeaky, Diane, John Boy, Little Al (Franken) Fat Al (Gore), and I probably should include Bill Maher and Jeanine Garafolo, maybe Fat Mike (Moore), there just isn’t any end to candidates.

You pay your ten bucks, (I am a capitalist), and you get a shot at your favorite liberal pig. If you make ‘em holler, you get a free shot at another. Now who wouldn’t be happy with that twofer?

Now maybe I could mix in a few local mooks too. Just your every day car jackers, burglars, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and so on. Then I could add a terrorist or two if you were willing to go for twenty bucks.

I could keep a data file on what people wanted to shoot at most, local mooks, current politicians, or terrorists. I’m betting most folks would rather shoot at Fat Al and Squeaky over everybody else. Gina here in the office says John Boy would win, and Hank in the warehouse wants to use real bullets. (Maybe I’ll have to back the contestants up a hair.)

No…much as that would be fun, it just wouldn’t work. (Funeral costs have skyrocketed.)

But remember, having a Mace Pepper Gun in your pocket is smart business, and I’d go so far as to say it’s therapeutic.

Stay aware, alert, and have a plan.

Unless you want dangerous criminal mooks to attack, rob, and maybe even kill you or your loved ones, buy pepper spray and a stun gun.

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