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Research Summation Advances Faith

Research Summation Advances Faith began the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. Sixteen years ago, I began this section to explain why and how I chose to do ancient calendar research of the Holy Bible. I divided Research Summation into four articles with updates reflecting later findings. Ancient people had good reason to worship God and time as one.

Research Summation Advances Faith

Clark Nelson

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Research Summation Advances Faith

Traditional Christianity generally concentrates on the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The teachings of Christ stand by themselves. The entire Judeo- Christian heritage embraces the Holy Spirit that includes both lunar/solar and solar calendars. Our foundation is the Almighty God. The lunar/solar calendar fostered by Judaism worships father God. For several thousand years, the Jewish lunar/solar calendar existed side by side with the Egyptian solar calendar. The Roman Empire adopted the Egyptian calendar when the cultures of Egypt and Rome were merging. At the inception of Jewish and Egyptian calendars, prehistoric societies had a structured culture. Complete with agricultural class, royalty and priesthood, religion and calendar implementation had priority. The given date for Creation via the Jewish calendar is 3,761 B.C.E. Egyptian calendar science begins between 4,241 B.C.E. and 4,236 B.C.E. Averaging 3,761 B.C.E. and 4,241 B.C.E. reckon 4,001 B.C.E. years midway between the two calendar systems. Time split at the year 4,000 B.C.E. produced the Hebrew Calendar and

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