counterpart Venus were significant time deities too. Great balls of rock and ice hurtling through space were not the focus of prayer. Instead, they were accessing the supernatural regularly and consistently by doing vast time projections. Egyptian solar worship dedicated the sun and stars as natural timekeepers. Physical, inanimate objects were ritualistic tools to study time. The Sun Kingdoms devoted their purposes to heavenly exploration for lunar/solar time. Last to the group were those practicing a 364-day-Ethiopic-calendar, including the Enochian Sect.
Numerically matching numbers of days per year, versus years per cycle, agrees with ancient doctrines. I have no physical monuments, edifices, nor even the slightest trinket of these pagan beliefs. In Judaism and Christianity, God has no form or flesh. God remains intangible and therefore spiritual. Age to age, anything material eventually has value, a price and is a candidate for destruction, thievery or persecution. The Son of God gave proof of life after death. Jesus is the Paschal lamb of God that gave the blood sacrifice for humanity. Christ’s life of over 30 years, the miracles performed, the later acts of the apostles done in His name, and the calendar version that we now call A.D. are all from an immutable, living God. Christ was comparable with the center of time. Christ knew the futures of others many places in the four gospels. Some interpretations relate symbolism of the 12 disciples to the new 12-month Julian Calendar year. Christmas and Easter indicate a transition process from the old 10-month Roman solar year and concern to overlay Christian celebrations onto solstice and equinox festivals. New Testament events render testimony to advance