destroys others and creation.
From the beginning God intends to have sons and not performers. Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, did not love God like his father David, who loved God with all of his heart. Solomon desired God’s wisdom apart from a relationship with Him and ended up a fool serving the idols of his wives and concubines. Balaam, a mighty prophet of God, whose heart was not entirely set on God ended up in error. A revelation of God’s character and power, which is His Glory, without a deep relationship with God, does not make sense because it is the relationship that ministers life and not independent works. Anything divorced or independent from a relationship in God is legalism and brings forth death. This is to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good (law or legalism) and evil (lawlessness). Good is better than evil but it is still fruit from the tree that introduced death to the earth. This is nothing else but a quest for self-righteousness.
You need to be born again to receive revelation from the Holy Spirit. How else will you see the kingdom of God? If you are not born of the Spirit through faith in Christ you are dead to God and you cannot enter the realm of God’s Spirit where the riches of His knowledge and wisdom is found. Jesus is the true Light, which gives light to every man coming into the world. When you turn to Christ, God commands light to shine out of darkness into your heart to give you a revelation of the glory of God in the presence of Jesus Christ. When the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ shines in your heart the ignorance that exists because of blindness, is removed. It is in His light that you see the Light of the world. The cry of the