Your Revenge is on it’s way. Thank you very much for your purchase you can also order online at any time at
Retaliate against those who did you wrong with a little hocus-pocus payback.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Your Revenge is on it’s way. Thank you very much for your purchase you can also order online at any time at
Retaliate against those who did you wrong with a little hocus-pocus payback.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
only bonnie could use this against damon
Black magic is nothing to be taken lightly it is very bad for your soul and can bring in bad omens
I can’t believe that there are actual adults who believe in this type of garbage, I don’t know if this is “Wiccan” or some bastardization of voodoo or some pure new age bullshit but there are actually (technically) mature human beings with (allegedly) functioning brains who believe in stuff like this.
Then again billions of people believe in organized religions as well so I guess its not that shocking.
My faith in humanity . . . falling.
I can deflect any vengengeful magick!
Burn the witch!
this is stupid…
interesting…don’t think i’ll be using this anytime soon
you will need:
an imagination
holy shit my dick felt off!!!!!!!!!!
its funny how the music at the end is so fucking innocent
WTF?? This Is Dark Magic, Why Howcast Can Put This On Their Channel?
Just wait for karma to come in
I had no fucking idea what half of the stuff in the Things You Need list were.
@WherethisAllStarted LOL
this should b how to worship the devil ( what the hell is going on with howcast) shessh
You will need:
-A hand.
Step 1: Bitch-slap the motherfucker.
this is bad in so many levels.
unfortunatly ppl like this exist in real life, i just unsubscribed
@PEYAL100 As a youtube atheist i find this video silly and unethical. Much like all the other religions.
Don’t forget the rule of 3! Whatever spell you cast its essence will return upon you three-fold!
isnt this against ALL religions!? wtf youtube is making us into aitheists.
She’s a sick bitch