spells or beauty spells but then this is something dark and you should know it before you indulge in one. They often demand complete submission of soul and undisputed faith in order to generate all the power that it has.
Black is the color of black magic and so you need to use a black candle which you will tie in a black cloth with black thread and with blackberries in it. You must believe the candle to be the person you want cast the spell upon and cast the entire curse that you wish to upon the candle.
After you have spoken all that you want to you can place the candle and the cloth and the blackberries in a grave on the ground.
Revenge can be satisfactory but forgiveness is blessed trait and it is the path that leads to happiness.
Gardner Wilkinson is an expert writer on magic spells. For more information go to http://www.lovespellsbycrystal.com
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