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Question by krazymeyow: Revirginization? I’ve been on a sexual dry spell for 2 years and 7 months. I want to end it! Will it hurt?
I’m just wondering if it will hurt after almost three years of no sexual contact. Will it be, pardon the vulgarity.. tight? If so, is this a good thing for the guy who will be my first after 3 years?
I do masturbate regularly.

Best answer:

Answer by mlgable
No why would it hurt. You have no hymen to rupture again so sex should not hurt when you do it again.

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12 Responses to Revirginization? I’ve been on a sexual dry spell for 2 years and 7 months. I want to end it! Will it hurt?

  • PS says:

    Yes it will be.

  • noitallgal07 says:

    dont you masturbate … its healthy just to let you know …

  • Joseph says:

    I would suggest using some lubricant just in case you dry up from nervousness. Have fun.

  • Jenifer L says:

    yes it probably will be “tight” but you will never be back to the orignal virginal feeling. it shouldnt hurt for you becuse the muscles contract so easily.

    enjoy it when it happens!

  • Jen G says:

    3 years, are you kidding? I can’t go 3 days without it.

  • CGH says:

    I had a break in sexual intercourse when my fiance was overseas. When were reunited after about one year, I have to tell you it did hurt some. Not as bad as the first time, but it definitely hurt. I recommend taking it slow in the beginning. I made the mistake of having sex alot, since we had been apart for so long….trying to make up for lost time….ended up with a painful infection….just prior to our wedding. Luckily my doctor was able to help out and fast.
    Good luck to you. By the way it’s worth the inital pain 🙂

  • Molly D says:

    yes, the muscles in your vaginal walls will have contracted over time, making the canal very tight again. I’m not sure if it will be as tight as before you lost your virginity, but i’m willing to bed there will be some discomfort when you have sex again. This will probably feel better for the guy you’re with–but what good does that do if it’s uncomfortable for you? Be sure it’s with someone who realizes it might hurt you, and who will be careful.

  • Felix V says:

    well depends on his maturity, if he only wants you for something else,,,but if he really loves you ,he will be easy with you .. and yes you will be tight

  • thunderson says:

    ok hurt …it may but its not the kind of hurt you may expect.
    by this i mean

    (part 2 of your answer) its gona be tight yes , and that may cause you to be a lot longer at it . So you may suffer some pulled muscles and a drying which may lead to a (uummm) rug burn…..but dont expect any other kind of hurt nor any damage from it that will last any long amount of time.

    relax and enjoy your time together! i sure hope the lucky knows what he is doing for you sake though , cause if he does , you will be at it for hours!

  • crew06chief says:

    meet me sumwhere and i’ll help you. id go nice and slow til you are used to it. hehe. thanx for the 2 points

  • Feminine Socrates says:

    Sorry once you have lost the virginity it doesn’t come back so now it won’t hurt and probably won’t feel tight. You’re hymen is broken so have fun!

  • Meeto says:

    It may. So use lot of lub and foreplay. It should be easy with that.

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