which effects and amps are you using? I love John Frusciante too, but your equipment gets better sound for that than mine!! would you mind telling me that?
WOW really REALLY AMAZING you have the tone dude !! Have you got a new Wh10v2 or it’s still break ? I Will Very happy if one day you make a lil tuto of the fast part but slowly [=
You have to be really lucky to find people who have similar music taste, but to be completely honest im not searching right now, im happy with my own thing.
Man!!, Awesome!! :D, Everything was great!! :DD!!
I love the guitar sounds!!! :DD, So freaking good!! :DD(Y)
What pedals do u use to get that guitar-sound? : )!!
awesome stuff!
that guitar seems to have a stomachache
what effect are you using?
I love your videos !!!!! ^^
Tomasid?o- s?ucham tego ka?dego dnia i to jest tak rozpierdalaj?ce, ?e nie mog? przesta? s?ucha?.
holy crap that was good
@Marcosrhcp007 i think he use a Pocked Pod, DS-2 and his 62 thin skin strat !! i don’t know for the amp (PC ?)
which effects and amps are you using? I love John Frusciante too, but your equipment gets better sound for that than mine!! would you mind telling me that?
very good : ).
it’s outstanding!!
you’re the best user who made chilis’ cover
you’re very talented!
Dude, you’re too good!
You are allready so good man nice done!
WOW really REALLY AMAZING you have the tone dude !! Have you got a new Wh10v2 or it’s still break ? I Will Very happy if one day you make a lil tuto of the fast part but slowly [=
Excellent !! Your cover are awesome!!!
are u sure ur not John frusciante??? ur awesome
what amp are you using? thanks
@ManitouPL And I understand you :p
You have to be really lucky to find people who have similar music taste, but to be completely honest im not searching right now, im happy with my own thing.
Man!!, Awesome!! :D, Everything was great!! :DD!!
I love the guitar sounds!!! :DD, So freaking good!! :DD(Y)
What pedals do u use to get that guitar-sound? : )!!
amazing!! You’re the best!!
That was just incredible!
very nice solo dude, just keeps? getting better every time…