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Question by Jamie: RHCP fans, I need your help!?
I remember reading a lyrics by the Red Hot Chili Peppers that had something to do with regret. I think it was something like, “never regret the things you do,” or some sort of variation on that. I’ve tried searching for it, but with no luck. Does anyone know the full lyric, & the song it’s from?

Also: I want to buy another RHCP CD. I already have Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Any recommendations?

Thanks :]
I’m probably making this all up, haha.
Niandra Lades: Haha, that’s not it.
I found it! It’s in “Deep Kick.”
“It’s better to regret something you did, than something you didn’t do.”

Best answer:

Answer by Sal Paradise Has A Teen Age Riot
Stadium Arcadium is a decent intro to their new stuff. Can’t help you with the lyric, though.

What do you think? Answer below!

9 Responses to RHCP fans, I need your help!?

  • Ms Penny Lane says:

    Not sure about the song, but you have to get the Californiacation CD.

  • Niandra Lades says:

    lol, from soul to squeeze?

    “I could not forget
    But I will not endeavor
    Simple pleasures aren’t as special
    But I wont regret it never. ”

    Get Freaky Styley 🙂 You’ll get a different impression but it’ll be worth it.
    *hm, it’s not? Well, I know RHCP better than I know myself and nothing else is ringing a bell… if you have any more info I’d be happy to help.

  • Queen Izzy and the Unicorns says:

    i came as quick as i could!

    hmm..this information is a little vague. i cant answer with that sort of quote.

    get by the way i love it, it sounds exquisite!

  • Jimmy Jazz says:

    My favorite album made after Blood Sugar Sex Magic is By The Way, my favorite from before it is Freaky Styley.

  • fighter of foo says:

    That sounds like Deep Kick. Im not sure though because i dont really listen One Hot Minute (the album its on) much.

    Oh dear, uhmm… buy em all. Seriously, theyre all good.
    theyre all different so it really depends on what your into i gues.

    By the Way is one of my favorites.

  • Dream .. * <3 says:

    Do you mean ‘Its better to regret something you did than something you didn’t do?”

    [edit] Ah didn’t read your details =P Glad you found it though. Haha, I was thinking of that lyric all last week for some reason, it was stuck in my head.

    MQ: One Hot Minute.

  • ak47 says:

    CANT HELP YOU WITH THE LYRICS BUT A GOOD ALBUM: stadium arcadium! its not the old red hott u used to hear its newer and very good. i would get it. its worth getitng and listening to. it will rock urr socks off garunteed

  • Dan D says:

    I would suggest you get Stadium Arcadium for sure, and then if you have some extra cash, Californication. If you don’t get Californication, atleast youtube Easily, Road Trippin, and Purple Stain. If you don’t get Stadium Arcadium, youtube every f*cking song on the cds!! Except If.. that song is kinda. eh.

  • Lily ? CCR vote in Hall of Fame! says:

    Yup, it’s indeed ‘Deep Kick’. It’s a great song off ‘One Hot Minute’.

    RHCP is my favorite band. And BSSM is my favorite album of all time.
    Their newer albums are practically nothing like BSSM (or anything before it), so I would personally recommend ‘Mother’s Milk’. It’s an amazing album, one of my faves. 🙂

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