/>In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, the style of the suit cards from 2 to 10 is like story pictures. The cards of the major Arcana include the world, judgment, sun, moon, star, tower, devil, temperance, death, hanged man, justice, wheel of fortune, hermit, strength, chariot, lovers, hierophant, emperor, empress, high priestess, magician and the fool.
The names of the suits are pentacles, swords, cups and wands while the court cards are the page, the knight, the queen and the king.
Many of the modern tarot decks owe their origin or inspiration to the Rider Waite Tarot Deck which served as their model. And this Rider Waite Tarot also has different variants. There are 4 sizes of this deck – giant, regular, pocket and miniature and they are available in 4 different languages – German, French and Spanish and 5 language. You can also get the online version if you want.
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