After recieving many requests for the songs from our beloved Rigoletto, I have finally allowed my boredom to get the better of me and have sat down to not only put the songs up, but the lyrics as well. Timing may be a LITTLE off on some of them, but here they are. :/ The Curse (c) Rigoletto and it’s creators (more)
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Diary Of Dreams – The Curse
this movie is my childhood. i love it so much, it’ll always be my favorite.
I LOVED this movie when I was little. It’s suchh an amazing movie. Everything about it. Love it.
where did you get all the rigoleto music? i have looked like evrywhere and i can’t find it
You are my favorite person…this has been stuck in my head for weeks.
@LordLoss888 dude i want that movie and when i watched it i was enchanted and now i wish i have this movie i would watch it every day
@twilightguru123 hey i have seen this film in fact i own it but havent watched it in a while, but most of the time i just watch this part of the movie
i love how only a select few of us actually know of this movie…i use to own til i lost it when my family moved…im pretty sad..i f’in love this movie but noone i know has ever seen or heard of it
One of my favorite movies. He has such a beautiful voice. <3
@twilightguru123 thats so awesome.. those are my two favorite songs as well.. i catch myself singing them sometimes lol
@clintraley25 I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! the one with gerard butler? I have it!!! i love him!!!!!!! it is amazing!!!!!!!! I love the song “think of me” and “music of the night”
@twilightguru123 man you have no idea… i used to watch this everyday. I wanted so badly to sing like him!!!!!! i totally feel you.. and if you liked this you should watch the phantom of the opera!
@xoniac No. It’s right. That is how Rigoletto spelt. It is with an “o”, not an “e”.
@xoniac No. It’s right. That is how Rigoletto spelt.
This is such a powerful song. Actually, the whole movie is powerful. Thanks for posting these.
@CrimsonFangs Just saw one on Amazon, gonna buy it =)
I’ve always loved this movie!
This song always gives me goosebumps. His voice is beautiful.
Is there any way to actually acquire these songs? I didn’t think the movie had an actual sound track…?
@twilightguru123 I watched this ALL the time when i was growing up
I’m glad other people watched this movie as well. It is WAY better then most movies I see now…which is sad…sigh…:D
i wonder if the library has this movie? my cousin and i use to watch it over and over when we were little and now we are older out on our own but every time we get together we watch this movie.
Try using mp3ify[.]com
I really believe the Love of G-d is behind these lyrics.
what is the name of the song????? the curse??
you can get it on ebay
Its a wonderful movie- and the end is so sad )-:
how can i get this song?!?!