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raises up as the highest concept ‘being perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.’

I have preached that concept and that practice and that grace in western countries, in Africa, in China, in India, in Scandinavia, in the Baltic countries and in Mexico. It’s the highest value.

You’ll find that you can preach on God’s perfection very easily. I remember preaching on that down in the

Abossi Glory Church in the Maasai Mara of south west Kenya. The Christian people in that church there all related to it, despite their almost complete lack of previous bible study, and they all loved it.

We humans all want perfection. Underneath it all, underneath all our differences and our struggles and our plain old grubby human-ness, we pretty much all want God and His perfection to be our own. We pretty much all want to be a blessing and not just be blessed.

We pretty much all want to be a supplier of God’s goodness, and not just a consumer of it. We pretty much all want to fly on the wings of spiritual eagles rather than peck around the ground like fleshly chickens.

There’s another statement about God’s perfection. Jesus said to a man who wanted to be his apostle and get a taste of all the wondrous things the apostles were doing.

Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21

Why did Jesus tell him to do that, to go sell everything he owned?

The answer is contained in Jesus himself. I’m perfect, he is saying. Come and follow me and let my perfection rub off on you so that you can have your version of the same perfection

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