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through the Bible. Do a computer search on the word “perfection” or “perfect” and have a look at those things that are linked to those words. Do a study on it.

What you’ll find there in your study will help you to start seeing it in your life. If you can’t see it in your life, then pray, saying: “Father, change my perspective so that I can see life like that. Help me to notice in my life how I am building on the foundations of perfection I want to be building on.” If you are building on something else, it will fall away at some point. It is a good thing to work with God on this so that you are perfectly clear about what you believe and do in your life. Jesus lived, died and rose again saying by example and in word, that the Father has said of all His children that they should eventually be perfect, even as He is perfect.

Rob Crickett is in full time ministry internationally as an evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is noted for his gift of imparting to people the means for having deeply intimate contact with God. He is a much respected author, Bible teacher, retreat director and seminar facilitator; addressing the many key issues on living a Spirit-filled life in Christ. His books target people who are often outside the Church and are written in language that new Christians can relate to. Rob has ministered in Australia, Burundi, Canada, China, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Lithuania, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and in 25 States in the USA. Rob lives with his wife Mary in Melbourne, Australia. Mary is particularly gifted in prophecy, prayer and imparting the will of God to Christians working in the secular environment. They have ministered together in the USA, Italy, France and Australia. For further contact, or to receive Rob’s free monthly newsletter, see or email rob at

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