In memory of Chinggis Khaan’s 840th Birthday Celebration! The medieval period. This was a time when the true symbolic Arthur was formed. The Arthur who fought with dragons or serpents; the Arthur who married his Guinevere – the Queen of Serpents; the Arthur who would have a shape-shifting father named Uther, another term for Zeus. This was also the time when another character emerged who was also joined with a peculiar female counterpart and who materialized from the mists of history as a mythical hero. This hero was Robin Hood. Etymologically Robin comes from the Norman ‘Robert,’ a form of the Germanic Hrodebert and it originally meant ‘famous’ or ‘bright’ or even and more pertinently ‘to shine.’ This is and has always been an indication of one who has achieved illumination or enlightenment. Robin Hood is therefore the ‘Bright Hood,’ a similar name to the Naga serpent worshippers or deities of India, with their illuminated serpent or cobra hoods. As many have previously stated there are strong links between the origins of Robin Hood and the Green Man, who is also the ancient Egyptian god Osiris and the Greek-Roman god Dionysus/Bacchus, and so we should hope to find something of interest in the many stories surrounding this enigmatic character. There are elements of the Robin Hood myth that relate to other legends. The ‘tree of life’ is seen as ‘Robin’s Larder Tree,’ supplying all that could be required like the ‘Horn of Plenty’ or the ‘cauldron’ of Celtic folklore …

Since medieval times Cross Bones Graveyard, Southwark has been used as an unconsecrated graveyard for prostitutes and paupers. The Musuem of London has dug up a 148 skeletons of women and children, and estimate that this is only 1% of those buried there. John Constable has been campaigning to stop this land being built on. He holds monthly meetings on the 23 at Cross Bones, Redcross Way, SE1 to help the dead rest in peace. This short documentary follows a shamanic ritual held here in October 2006. For further details about Cross Bones Graveyard and the campaign to protect the Cross Bones Graveyard Memorial Gates
Video Rating: 5 / 5
God I remeber this as a child
444,444th viewer!
That whistling has been stuck in my head for about 35 years now. I really enjoyed hearing it again. Thanks.
Whistle stop-Roger Miller
@annagong963 there is a part ion hamster dance that has this….
@miriampje there is a part that has the hamster dance
@annagong963 hamster dance sounds like this. not the other way around :O
how come it sounds like hamster dance
tabs anyone? pm me please!
Very simple yet very catchy
how can 20 people hate this movie and the intro is so badass and exellent
I love Robin Hood
Films we classify now a days as Disney like High school musical really put Disney’s name to shame. lion king,robin hood,aristocats, rescuers down under are what disney really is!! I bet Walt disney would roll over in his grave if he knew what movies now a days have his name on it.
You never had to hear about Robin Hood to know he and Maid Marian end up a couple. How? They’re both foxes in this: you don’t see the Hen getting together with Little John, do you, despite the fact that they ABSOLUTELY would if this was live-action?
THE greatest film ever… Either this or Basil The Great Mouse Detective!!!
THE greatest film ever… Either this or Basil The Great Mouse Detective!!!
THE greatest film ever… Either this or Basil The Great Mouse Detective!!!
Cool video, for similar videos, visit MedievalWarfare . org
oldskool disney films!
@AlfredWinfrey ur right i just noticed it!
this is what the hamster dance came from!!!!!!!!
this is the music of the new spot of GALP in Spain for tv…….
I wish Disney made movies like this now, instead of all? that hannah montanna and high school musical crap
@LordLemanRuss ye
Disney Movies used to be soooo cool!!!