Paparuda is a Romanian rain ritual, probably of pagan origin, performed in the spring and in times of severe drought. A girl, wearing a skirt made of fresh green knitted vines and small branches, sings and dances through the streets of the village, stopping at every house, where the hosts pour water on her. She is accompanied by the people of the village who dance and shout on the music. The custom has attributed a specific type of dance and a specific melody. A similar Romanian rain ritual is the Caloian. The name is probably derived from Perperuna, which in its turn is a Slavic (south slavic) goddess, or as Sorin Paliga suggests, is a divinity from the local Thracian substratum. Like the Dodola (dudula, dudulica, dodol? in Romanian, dudulë in Albanian, tuntule in Greek, dudulya and didilya in South Slavic languages), which is another name for the same custom holding similar rituals, compared by Decev with Thracian anthroponyms (personal names) and toponyms (place names) (such as Doidalsos, Doidalses, Dydalsos, Dudis, Doudoupes, etc.) and argued by Paliga to be of Thracian origin, the Paparuda is found only at Romanians (p?p?rud?), Aromanians (pirpirun?) and South Slavs (peperuda, perperuna). The name of Dodola is possibly cognate with the Lithuanian word for thunder: dundulis.
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To be used with The Magical Circle School’s Yule ritual.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
sorin paliga are dreptate,…………….slavi nici nu existau
Have you ever watched Xena-the warrior princess? Obviously not. I recommend it. Maybe you can learn some basics about Greeks and their history.
both romanian and slavic traidtional costumes are borrowed from the greek, but we borrowed some of them earlier before the slavs came
cmon ppl stop to speak about some historical events which happened long time ago… even about slavs we have so many theories, but i dont care, im happy to have so many things in common with my romanian friends. Balkan rules
obviously hitler was right i think when he said slavs are inferior peoples!
yes and if it existed a godness called perperua what?it is neccessarly to be of slav origin?
for example bulgaria it’s the name of a country of turranoid peoples but now its inhabitants are of slav and thracian origin,just the name being kept,maybe the situation is similar to “paparude” slavic name,different practicers,that could explain why this ritual being practiced just in 2 countries of different origin
are you trying to say slavs were here before us?
we both romanians and bulgarians are very closest in traditions because like us they borrowed thracian traditions from autuchton peoples
find for “calusari” or caloian another dance specific for us and bulgarians!why it is played just in these areas?
simply becase it’s a legacy of old inhabitants not of slavs arrived much later
Obviously I have to deal with retarded person. So, for the last time: Perperuna or Dodola represented major Slavic goddess, when ALL SLAVS WERE ONE NATION! All Slavs have almost the same language, customs and traditional costumes, even if they were surrounded with other cultures. There are very small deviations between them.
Romanians NEVER had such strong consciense after national identity. That is way they speak Slavicised Latin language, use old Slavic traditional habits in their own cultural customs and wear traditional costumes based on surrounded Slavic neighbours.They are certain, that everything that is South Slavic belonged to their Thracian ancestors! That is the easiest way to steal culture from others and condone that with facts, that they were here first, so South Slavs, you can just fuck off, right?!
our traditional costumes are very similar to southern slavic not to russian siberians or polaks just like paparuda wich is possibly derived from an ancient thracian and not slavic godness because it is a ritual specific for southern slavs not all,southern slavs wich are living on the old trachian lands..
also if we are talking about our costumes,on the trajan’s column from rome dacian soldiers had the same costumes as we have so i think that romanians and southern slavs took them from tracians
Perperuna is major ancient Slavic goddess. It belongs to all Slavic people. And about Thracians…extended Greek culture. Romanian people assume many, many things from Slavs. Slavs did not from Romanians. For example: You have almost the same traditional costumes as Slavic, but nothing the same like Italians, wich are Latin people, like you are!
if it has slavic roots,it would be existed in all slavic cultures not just southern part wich denotes that is an thracian ritual because where souther slvs are living it’s the old land of thracians
You generalize facts about Indo-European folklore. Greek folklore is Indo-European folklore, not Slavic folklore. Slavic folklore is Indo-European folklore, not Thracian, Dacian, or whatever folklore. I dont see any connection between Hera and Perperuna. Except, they both were major goddesses.
it’s a common indo-european tradition,not slavic or thracian,just indo-european.
Paparuda is Romanian name for Perperuna(Dodola), ancient goddess of rain and wife of Perun(Thunder). It belongs only to all Slavic people. So, Dacians and Thracians and Sorin Paliga-hands off Slavic folklore!
daca o sa intru in posesia unuia,cu siguranta ca il voi posta pe youtube,fara nici o ezitare.
…nn poasteaza nimeni un film cu ritualul propriu-zis?
felicitari pentru post si info
Yay!! Pagan Yule carols!! This is awesome. Thank you!
I’m Catholic and I think this is amazing. My grandmother always told me that Our Lord was born on the night of the Solstice and I will honor his mother because of this. 4 Ever. Blessed Be.
I absolutley have to learn this! It’s amazing!
blessed be
dude…freakin amazing!
i have to learn this.
Absolutely love it!