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Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere, a Maori Tohuna (Wisdom Keeper), relates how the Maori connect and work with plants – even resistant ones. The Maori, native to New Zealand, share and remember their ancestry with the indigenous Hawaiians. They have preserved their wisdom from as far back as 13000 years ago. This presentation was sponsored by Energy Medicine Partnerships and Holoquest.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Shamans gathered for Mayan calender countdown to 2012. Winter solstice celebration at Tikal

25 Responses to Rose Pere – Maori Tohuna – Talking With Plants

  • thoostorm4 says:

    @jujdubutube09 WHAT A LOAD OF CRAPPOLA

  • thoostorm4 says:

    @empowerment NUCCAH PLEASE

  • kanui27 says:

    i would like to join this gathering. looks like a hippie or rainbow gathering to me… do not believe that they are all real shaman but the gathering looks awesome!!! i love kan´nan ;o)

  • kanui27 says:

    i would like to join this gathering. looks like a hippie or rainbow gathering to me… do not believe that they are all real shaman but the party looks awesome!!!

  • Seculari1 says:

    He is Freemason!!!!
    they are european!!! Nostrdamus was also? doctor (In 1529 he? started his doctoral study Medicine at the University of Montpellier)
    The masonic plan: Controlling World Power and Capital
    JF Kennedy: speech April 27, 1961 !!!!”

  • publicsenemy91 says:

    No respect for the wise these days huh?

  • surferpeteinspace says:

    it’s not the end of the world, they just ran out of ink !

  • drhoecker says:

    the truth is present here.those who laugh are the damned.

  • jujdubutube09 says:

    Most of the so called themselves shamen/shawoman in this video are fake. Shamanism can be taught. Only the chosen ones can perform a ritual. And these rituals could not be taught. Shamanists that were taught are not true shamanists. Be careful. Don’t believe in these people. The people in this vid are just crazy.

  • bettoarzu says:

    i see lots of people from lots of races but NONE mayan. This are not shamans pfff gringos go home!!

  • luvu2luvme says:

    becoming a shaman is a gift bestowed on you, it is not always a birth right.There are also many types of shaman from all over the world.

  • Humpahna says:

    2012 will just be another day. Get an education while your at it, fruit loop. If everyone acted like you hippie stink bags, the commies would take over for sure! (Oh, that’s exactly what your kind wants) Guns make Hippies Run! YEEHAW!

  • GlobalAscension2012 says:

    yeah this “no Lifes” need to get a job and loads of stress and worries and start hating everyone and everything that doesnt gothere way. Spiral Down

  • Humpahna says:


  • xoxoSTFUxoxo says:

    Thank U
    Damn white people need 2 get a clue

  • firestater1999 says:

    i see a cult and all follows the older woman time 2.15!i dont trust that woman ,
    i hope the all knows what the doing,i say go your on way.

  • LiFe0In1ThE0MaTrix01 says:

    aww i wish i could be there, theres no one on my level of thinking and love around in my reality. but it dosent matter because i have infinante love and my spirt will never die my will is to strong

  • JamesIII says:

    looks like a hippy fire swinging sex party

  • luv2bud says:

    Is it really `possible to pay you back what what was stolen from you? The dominant culture stole a vibrant, living Earth and turned it into a factory and a concentration camp. It sold the ground from beneath unborn feet. We have all lost our place in the Earth’s ecosystem and the cosmic order. I had no choice about being born into this deathkultur. Do you think I wanted to be a toxin-spewing parasite? I am trying to move back into harmony with creation. Babylon will fall. Let’s help.

  • ard0g says:

    how about instead of showing us sympathy and trying to be like us… why dont you pay us back what you stole? and you think most of the modern white folks are just cut off from the earth? no, your more than that,,, you are honeslty living in a state thats more dead than alive.

  • luv2bud says:

    I see a lot of criticism along the lines of “white wannabe hippie posers.” I understand where that’s coming from; white Euro-Americans have stolen so much from other peoples, and now it might appear that they are trying to steal their cultures, too. But remember that people of northern European descent have indigenous roots too. All of us are of this Earth, it’s just that most modern white folks are more removed and cut off from it. But Spirit lives in all of us. May all beings find peace.

  • darani94 says:


  • timotds says:

    Yet it is honorable what they desire to accomplish.

  • reaperofgenocide says:


  • timotds says:

    A true Shaman is born a shaman.

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