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smoke of the incense.

STEP 7: When you feel a calmness about you – and are confident you have released some of the bad energies filling your heart, thank your deities, snuff out the candles and open your circle. Take the diced apples with honey and cayenne pepper and bury them in a hole in the ground away from your home…

When done properly, this spell is extremely effective in helping to “get over” a broken heart. It’s really the first step in “moving on” and finding Love that is “right” for you.

Repeat this little spell at least once or twice a week at first (or more if you are still having a hard time). The reason for the repetition is that your “mind” will re-fill your heart with more sadness, and you must continually release the pain…

Matters of the heart are very delicate, and I’d appreciate it if you’d print this article and put it somewhere you can find it – if you ever need it.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on free witchcraft spells visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site”

Witchcraft is not used to hypnotize people, though the process of hypnotism does involve an energy of magnetic quality that witchcraft recognizes. Discover the relationship between witchcraft and hypnotism with insight from an internationally known psychic in this free video on witchcraft. Expert: Sandra Cheryl Richardson Contact: Bio: Sandra Cheryl Richardson is an internationally-known psychic consultant, paranormal investigator and metaphysical teacher. Filmmaker: Paul Muller
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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