Rosh Hashanah: An Event Replete in Symbolic Significance
Rosh Hashanah is characterized by several customs, traditions and rituals that bear religious, spiritual, Biblical and even Pagan suggestions and significance. Let us look at the different items used in Rosh Hashanah celebrations and the significance they bear.
Shofar: One of the crucial components of the celebration of Rosh Hashanah is the Shofar. It is a musical instrument, quite similar to the trumpet. Shofar is made out of Ram’s horn. The word ‘Shofar’ is linked to the Hebrew word ‘I’shaper’ which means “to beautify”. Thus it symbolically inspires to make our lives more beautiful in the coming year.The significance of using a Ram’s horn can be traced to the story of Abraham who offered his only son, Isaac to God as evidence of his allegiance to Him. God, in return to his willingness to sacrifice everything, caused a ram to appear and be executed in Isaac’s place. Hence, blowing Shofar, made out of Ram’s horn makes one contemplate on the sacrifices that he is going to make to remain righteous.
Challah: This traditional Jewish bread which is round in shape signifies the cyclical nature of the years. Another symbolic significance of the round Challah is that it resembles a crown, a reminder of the kingship of God.
Apple: The most characteristic feature of Rosh Hashanah is undeniably, the apple. But even this simple fruit also conveys a symbolic meaning. An apple is an unusual fruit, in the sense that, in an apple tree the fruit appears before the leaves. Therefore, the apple sprouts without the protective cover of its leaves. It symbolically refers to the Jewish people who are willing to live what may seem as defenseless but in reality there is always the faith in God that show the right direction.
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