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guidance about my relationship with this person.” Presenting situations, rather than questions provides insights to find your own answers. A rune stone reading helps you understand and gain insight into your life decisions.

To do a simple three rune reading on your own, place all the stones into a bag or other container. Present your situation, either aloud or in your mind. Then, reach into the container without looking at the contents. Remove and lay out three stones, one at a time. The first rune refers to an overview of the situation, the middle rune is your challenge, and the third rune is your action. To get further guidance, this process can be repeated.

Rune stones can be used with a variety of spreads. One layout based on the Celtic Cross provides guidance about all aspects of your life, covering your emotions, thoughts, lessons, challenges, environmental influences and spiritual path. Another layout uses the Runic Wheel, reflecting the eightfold division of space. A nine grid layout reflects the present, past influences and the outcome. For daily guidance or clarity on a single issue, you can draw just one rune. In ancient times, runes were sometimes cast onto a cloth, either from a container or by hand, and allowed to form their own pattern that was interpreted by the reader.

There is no exact method to read and interpret the runes. Each rune stone reader has a chosen approach that suits individual style. Intuition is the key.

Cynthia Tierra – Holistic Health Practitioner/Reiki Master Teacher is the founder and proprietor of Healing From The Heart in Sedona, Arizona. She assists people on their journeys towards healing and self realization. Cynthia created a personal treatment style catering to individual client’s needs that works with the mind, body and spirit. A stress reduction specialist, professional healer and Universal Shaman, she facilitates personal healing retreats in Sedona and also does distance healing by phone. Visit her web site

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