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Question by chi kung: S.O.S. ! Shaman needed immediately in NYC area. Not some “new age” fraud, or egotistical and/or greedy person.
I need to find a shaman, brujo, witch doctor, etc. urgently. I live in the New York City area. In my experience, such people are as rare as hen’s teeth. Moreover, when they do appear, they seem to come unbidden, not when they are consciously summoned. I believe that most if not all persons who advertise their alleged spiritual gift are frauds preying on desperate people. I also believe that some persons with real spiritual abilities are greedy and/or egotistical and can be dangerous to people seeking their help. However, I know that some people with a real gift exist who are not in it for the money. I desperately need to locate such a person now. Such a person might come from a traditional culture, e.g. West or Central African or Native American. I have seen the “real deal” before in my life; am not gullible; and would not be taken in by a fraud. If you know of such a person, I desperately need your help. Again, I am not looking for a “new age” type who would appear on Oprah.

Best answer:

Answer by deerwoman777
what is it that you need?

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6 Responses to S.O.S. ! Shaman needed immediately in NYC area. Not some “new age” fraud, or egotistical and/or greedy person.

  • antiekmama says:

    Look for a teacher and the teacher will appear, the same will be for your Shaman.

  • brianna_the_angel777 says:

    No offense but this is kindof rude. thanks to the white Europeans there are not many Shamans left. take what you can get and try not to be so insulting.

    I aM 3/4TH native blood cherokee, navajo and comanche. however i do not know who you are and what you want, as there are many dangerous people on the internet can you be trusted? also I dont live in NYC therefore i cannot help you.

    ask deerwoman777 she seems pretty cool.

  • sir_hector says:

    send smoke signals.

  • billcompugeek says:

    I know that there are ministers who have genuine communication. Seek a minister who has an honest heart and you may well find someone who can communicate with God.

  • bergice says:

    just tell them to stop you need no help for this-old hippie here-reality is what you make it to be

  • Bratfeatures says:

    And those people would be using Yahoo Answers why exactly? I suspect that what you are looking for will not exist here!

    Why the hell do ya need a shaman anyway?

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