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compensate for what we feel we lack.

In addition, we act sincerely admirable, supportive and helpful (to remunerate) for the guilt we feel for even having these thwarted emotions. We simply don’t know how to kick back and relax (accepting the various undisclosed negative sensations which uninvitedly accompany us) because we experience too much hopelessness in our circumstances. Without the games we play, and the added superficial stuff we attach to the outside to impress others, we are simply lost, afraid and alone. Envy is an ugly monster that devours our mind, cripples our body and deflates our inborn self-confidence.

We secretly show the world one face while we hide another face of who we really are identified with on the inside. The ability to release old ways of pretense, to move into uncharted area of unrestricted creativity, is attached to the naturalness of learning how to be ourselves without putting on a show to please.

Will we dare stop ourselves from doing and saying the things people expect us to say? Can we forfeit the chance to be seen a really NICE person? Do we have the courage to risk being labeled as someone who doesn’t give a damn? We must answer these questions. We must find the resolve to make them a part of our everyday existence or remained locked in a world of private hell.

Unfortunately, (to our own detriment) we want people to like us. So, we ultimately end up selling our soul to the highest bidder. (Again, especially IF he/she is someone who holds a prominent position) One, that we think we further our delegated aspiration. Stop the nonsense.

It’s high time to shift gears. Be ourselves. {However unpleasant that may be} Say no and mean it. (Especially, with/to the opposite sex!) Unless

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