Sacred Feet
Follow the inherent sexy rhythm of thy feet
While melody sways the placement so discreet
Let not your mind guide you in the beat
Not much fun when the pattern is so neat
Flow with your own tempo no need to compete
Feel the pulsating nuances flood too sweet
Life’s a creature of undisputed non repeat
Give it a Whirl without asking for favors’ seat
Who cares if ‘they’ say you’ll end in defeat
Gyrating whirling with no mention of retreat
Passion feeds the soul who spins in heat
Unlike the fearful who all he does is bleat
Untold glory’s found in the blood of the meat
Reap your talents from the field of plenty’s wheat
Stand tall, firm and with such certainty, greet
Your Destiny’s Calling Ruthlessly Made Complete
Your sacred feet decide upon which course you will steer each day. Make no mistake about it: you need every occurrence and person that confronts you! There is no destination that you can purposefully decide to take that, IF your feet are not aligned to the journey and the lesson it brings will come to pass. No matter how many plans you make, breaths you take in anticipation in waiting for a particular outcome or exploitation of a specific goal, unless your feet are guided and directed in that particular destination, you will in no wise go there.
Too much of your time is spent in trying to figure out why you are in the predicaments instead of merely experiencing the yet unexplained avenues of expression. You are not here on earth by accident nor do things occur without a definite divine purpose. You are literally sitting, laying or standing for a definitely assigned reason; (unbeknownst to you) otherwise, you
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