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Sacred Land, Sacred Sex

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One Response to Sacred Land, Sacred Sex

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Sacred Land, Sacred Sex
    Why hasn’t anyone reviewed this critical book before now?
    Perhaps because the people who care about its topic don’t frequent Amazon much.
    Lachapelle was (is? is she still with us?) a unique individual with talents in many domains and wisdom to integrate them into a whole human philosphy.
    o a deep powder skier and mountain climber
    o a deep ecologist and philosopher
    o an anthropologist and myth-maker
    o an earth mother and ritualist
    o a scholar of DH Lawrence, Lao Tse, Jung, Naess, Snyder, and an eclectic list from all the world’s cultures
    I can’t describe this book well. It is part ethnography, part autobiography, part philosophy, part manifesto, and part cook book, or better, prayer book. A Book of Common Prayer for the deep ecology movement, and for persons who wish to live in harmony with the world while constructively engaging in its health and growth. A handbook for a new religion based on the oldest religion. Extensively grounded in what real people have believed and practiced all over the world (not just the JudeoChristian part of it) and throughout human history (not just since the Rennaisance and Industrial Revolution). It’s a text and a story book that explains the factual and personal basis for the validity of deep ecology, bioethics, regional communities, and Taoist practices, and ties them to mountain climbing, powder skiing, sacred earth and sacred sex. A handbood to guide you in establishing personal rituals that will ground and enrich you life and your community.

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