sacred place.
Although, in some spiritual practices, the home altar is traditionally located in the main living area of the house, I believe, that in our modern world, a sacred space will serve you better if it is located away from the main living and utility areas of the house. This will give you an opportunity to create the desired energy for your sacred space without the influence from the buziness of your daily affairs.
Decorating Your Sacred Space
The decorations chosen for a sacred space will be a unique mixture of pictures, furniture, ornaments, cloth, cushions, color and whatever else appeals to you and others who use this special place. The important thing is that the decoration of a sacred space resonates with you and your belief system.
Symbols and Deities
To increase a sense of inner peace and harmony, a sacred place is often decorated with emblems and symbols of beauty, peace, happiness and spirituality. The symbols that you choose to display will depend upon your own personal preference and belief system. Deities are a common way of representing religious beliefs or associations. Many people demonstrate their religious tolerance by displaying deities from a number religions and belief systems. The deity on your altar and displayed in your sacred space represents the values that you hold dearest and those you wish to embody. For instance the Hindu God Ganesh is said to have overcome great obstacles and therefore embodies this trait. Whether you are Hindu or not, you may identify with the values that Ganesh represents.
Symbols are a powerful representation of spirituality and values. Spiritual symbols such as Om, Mandalas, Crucifix, the