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Safe Magick Spells You Can Cast

Spell casting need not be a rocket science. It does not demand a blazing bonfire and a bubbling cauldron from which puffs of multi-colored smoke explode. It does not require rolling thunder and piercing lightning bolts. There is also no need for robes flapping dramatically in a conjured gale force wind. And, above all there is no need for ingredients like eye of newt and blood of bat. That we will leave for Snow White’s evil stepmother.

“Anybody can do Magick” – You must have read this a million times. And, yes, it is true. It is the level and the type of spell casting that will differ, depending on whether you are a “beginner” or an “adept”. The term “beginner” is not necessarily reserved for Seekers; it could also be those of you who have had a tough time trying to get your spells to work, even though you have been practicing the Craft for quite a while. No shame in that.

Effective spell casting requires Knowledge, Concentration Visualization and Clear Intent. Many people struggle with Concentration and Visualization. It is perfectly normal. So, I am going to provide a couple of really practical spells, which are very simple to perform and that address the two most common issues on most peoples minds (you guessed it – money and love). These two spells have produced good results for those who have used them.

Just a word of caution – Firstly, NEVER take short cuts – You have to cast your circle properly EVERY time. It creates a safe environment for you to work in, it keeps the power you raise within the circle until you are ready to release it and it keeps unwanted energies out. Secondly, NEVER do grey or black Magick once you have gotten the hang of spell casting. It is

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