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the material world to be the ultimate goal of life because of having immense wealth, grandeur and a beautiful wife, so too a person who activates his Divine Serpent Power thinks that Sidhis like hearing far off words, seeing far off objects, knowing other people’s thoughts, predicting the future accurately etc. attained while activating the lower Chakras, is the be all and end all of life. Thus he totally loses sight of the supreme goal of rising upto the last Chakra i.e. Sahasrar and merging into it.

Even if a person reaches the Sahasrar Chakra, he cannot dwell in this region for a great length of time. How long can a spiritual seeker dwell in the Sahasrar Chakra? This depends on the nature of spiritual practice which he follows and how much inner spiritual energy he possesses. Many spiritual seekers dwell in the Sahasrar Chakra for a certain length of time and then get demoted into lower Chakras and their levels of lower bliss. But he, who steadfastly “ripens” his Sahasrar Chakra, attains the omnipotent Lord and thus experiences infinite bliss eternally.

The Sahasrar Chakra lies 2 inches within the ears and 3 inches within the eyebrows. Its form is that of a ball of light in the hollow portion of the upper region of an opening called “Mahavivar” of the brain area. Via the process of Divine Serpent Power awakening, this Mahavivar opening has to be widened so as to enter the state of divinity. Hence it is called the “10th door” or Brahmarandhra too. In the Dhyanbindupanishad it is said that –

“A Yogi is one who knows the light akin to a jewel in the brain. That jewel akin to 7 golds that is lit up by an electrical like stream, is found in the lower region of Meru and 4 fingers above

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