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single precept pertaining to the classification of the brain and Sahasrar Chakra are described in various ways.

The Sahasrar Chakra is also called the “pot of nectar”. It is said that Som juice emanates from it. The demi-gods drink this nectar and become immortal.

According to modern brain anatomy, the brain is filled with a special “Cerebro-spinal fluid.” This fluid nourishes and protects the various centers of the brain. It drips from the brain’s membrane and is absorbed by various centers of the brain and the Sushumna (subtle spinal nerve).

The “pot of nectar” has 16 coverings. In the same way at certain places the Sahasrar is said to have 16 petals. These are nothing but 16 important centers of the brain. The Shiva Samhita too says that the Sahasrar Kamal has petals.

“One should meditate on the Sahasrar Chakra made of 16 Kalas situated in the centre of the brain and which shines like the moon.”


These 16 Kalas of the Sahasrar are the 16 points of the brain related to the cerebrospinal fluid. If the previously 5 grossly classified parts of the brain are classified more minutely, they will add upto 16 in number as follows –

1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum 3) Medula Oblongata 4) Pons 5) Mid brain 6) Corpus Colosum 7) Corpus Stratum 8) Pituitary Gland 9) Pineal gland 10) Thalamus 11) Hypothalamus 12) Subthalamus 13) Metathalamus 14) Epithalamus 15) Corad plexuses 16) Ventrilces.

All these above parts have centers full of ESP (Extra Sensory Potential) that control the body. By activating the pot of nectar of Sahasrar, we can make the brain more active and thus attain extraordinary

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