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Barry is an expert author of telecommunication industry.for more information about samsung galaxy s deals with sim only deals visit our mobile shop. Every microscopic band of our DNA is comprised of the most ancient part of the cosmos ~ It’s Genesis ~ The Virtually invisible tendrils and pathways to alternate dimensions and gateways to an electric fabric ~ A construct with rules that can be bent and broken ~~ Where we can create psychedelic landscapes ~ Sunsets and supernova ~ and bind our dreams to the waking world.. Where magick, humanity, and stardust co-exist on a plateau of aqua marine nebula Floating in and out of thought like an interstellar balloon. Our DNA houses our fluid karma ~ the ancestral memories from every experience we have ever had, in every form of conscious incarnation from the beginning of perceived time. Many people accredit their Deja~Vu and astral capabilities as well as their power and control over their dream cycle to information seemingly spilling from a limitless Akashic River of Knowledge ~ that in no way can be described as having form or age, or stationary 3 dimensional characteristics. Enter the Water Door ~ The Dawn of a new Aeon approaches ~ The Age of Aquarius. Inspiration and Hat Tip To: Jake Kotze: and Henrik Palmgren: Interview Sampled:
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