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beauty of the world to mind – and into reality – by just remembering the experience.”


Jamie, a carer from America, was “overcome with tears of joy and gratitude… for my ancestors for bringing me into this world, for giving me this beautiful opportunity to be here under this sky, with these birds and gently swaying trees, for making my life so beautiful and delivering me to this place where I arrived in full knowledge and love of myself.”


There is something about the experience that lingers too. It is not just a momentary ‘drug trip’ but an encounter with the divine and with ourselves that really can change lives.


“It was the most powerful, profound experience of my life”, says Donna, a teacher from the UK. “I became energy, the breath of life, infinite and eternal love. I now dedicate my life to honour and integrity and accept my path rather than trying to dictate it.”


Kathryn, an addictions counsellor, says something similar: “I feel changed, not coming down from the mind and heart-opening experience at all… the lessons are ever-clearer as I share them with others. I was stretched way beyond where I thought I could go – and enjoyed it!”


Other accounts are even more direct and succinct. “This experience will never leave me!” says Kane, an American author. “I experienced all the love I have ever known in my life. Now I know that love is all that matters”, says Marianne, a South American healer. And, according to Michael, an American sports coach: “The message of San Pedro was clear: I create the reality I want. Anything seemed possible. I was transformed and began to create what I desired.”


These sound like spiritual or emotional changes,

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