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25 Responses to Santana – Alicia Keys-black magic woman

  • TPapania says:

    @ferdiwelslau Its so fresh to read someone who really understands the diff between a good muso and a showman. He is a very good showman but only to those who lack real understanding of music. He never plays the same thing twice and makes up a lot as he goes. I have been playing for 40 years and I can reproduce every note everytime because I read whats there. If you talk bad about these showman all the dingbats want to attack you but thanks for your positive observation Regards Wayne

  • ferdiwelslau says:

    * shrug *
    To me Carlos Santana is a completely overrated guitarist.
    He does not even do the full step bends right.
    I am not terribly into Alicia Keys, but speaking of this song, there can only be one master – his name is Peter Green.

  • tarara666 says:

    @shedrankit Give here a gitar smak in the face, Santana!!! let her yell some teeth!!
    What a ego!!!

  • ThePianoguy89 says:

    Santana stans are so stupid! She is collaborating with him in this performance. No she does not have to shut up, she’s singing stupids!

  • 1959zion says:

    jchockey I could not agree more!!!!!!!!

  • jchockey21 says:

    @MrVelderado you’re just bling blong blang you fucking idiot….

  • MrVelderado says:

    alicia keys saves this song, otherwise its just bling blong blang

  • osemka88 says:

    Her voice is totaly not for this song..

  • 646briana says:

    this stupid bitch. alicia is not ur style bitch………… santana is the master.. shut up biatch

  • ThePianoguy89 says:

    @Lmmarcher09 She is not an idiot, she’s very intelliegent and talented.

  • trevolman says:

    magnifica rola y exelente interpretacion, santana es lo mejor de mexico

  • guitar4madnes says:

    @shedrankit omg ur true

  • saturdayer says:

    wtf I have to kill 17 deaf (ptm tengo ke matar 17 sordos)

  • g0rg0jo says:

    su guitarra suena mas mexicana en esta version

  • yomamasapeach says:

    retardo manifesto mucho gracias. Por fa vour, no meliste.

  • TheGeneLightShow says:

    alicia keys?!! ON THE SAME STAGE AS SANTANA!!!??? WTF!

  • SuperHenry12 says:

    esta musica esta chida me acuerdo de mi papa…con estas se tomaba sus cervezas,,,jJAJJA

  • SuperFenderfan says:

    @AAZIO bt she has a nice chest

  • AAZIO says:

    Santana’s a Legend compared to Alicia Keys who’s (To me) is just a novice, a still learning gurl. So, I prefer experience than any others that people mentioned so called “music”; and I say it’s totally BULLSHIT for today’s singers and musics. Perhaps those fagots, especially like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, etc… should learn how to sing or how to Bark!!! Anyway, SANTANA always rockZ..

  • rockandaro12 says:

    pi9nche sanatana opara ke desbirtua la rola no ma es lo malo de nosotros los mexicanos chinga

  • insatiable2rossi says:

    who eva dislikes is video is a fuckin retard

  • shedrankit says:

    @shedrankit Nothing against Alica Keys but, she didn’t have a keyboard solo, leads me to believe she wasn’t even playing anything…

  • shadiepawn says:

    hahahahaahah i like it

  • scartissue94 says:

    I’m pretty sure Santana was fine with her being on stage.

  • spritedan says:

    dudd this guitar player sucks and why is there a girl there like wtf ive lost all fath in women and this cover group

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