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people, of their fathers and their fathers before them, was indeed false! This is a question of truth and fallacy then. Evidence is the only reasonable path for a man to make out truth from fallacy.. otherwise he would hold belief and faith in whatever myth or legend he sees fit, even though it is indeed false!

Now this is the question that has to come next..

If you believe that the Lord of the universe, the maker of all existence, the one to which it all ends, is a statue of stone… your fathers and their fathers before them have honored that statue ever so much that they believe all good to only come from it, and from it alone… is this indeed the truth? What about those who worship cows and those who worship trees? What about those who believe that there are three gods? Those who believe that there are ten gods, twelve or even a thousand gods, one for every feature of lordship in the universe? can all those faiths be true at the same time?

Who is it out there that created this universe? and what does He want? This question has tens, actually thousands of diverse answers… not two of them are alike! So what is the truth? This tribe of Africans or Amazonians jumping around a totem idol praising it, dancing so that it would give them rain and prosperity… are they true in their cause? If you wish to be salvaged after death, and to be safe from the evils of this world and whatever world that will come afterward, should you praise Krishna? Or should you give offerings to Ahora Mazda? Or should you pray to Jesus the son of the father in heaven?? Because you certainly cannot claim that all those deities are one and the same!

Every one of those nations has to hold a sound evidence that they are

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