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And when he met with a man who told him that no way the Lord of mankind could be a “tree”… and that the world is full of other trees!! He told him that he was telling lies! When he argued that the tree cannot defend itself if it was attacked, he insisted that it could! Even when the man came with an axe and cut off the tree before the believers eyes, and it just fell down to the ground as helpless as any other tree… the man still refused to accept the truth nonetheless! That faith is absolutely corrupt, in terms of reason it can only be false… but still a tribe, maybe even an entire nation would refuse to let go of it, and would fight for their fallacies to the grave!! Yes they will praise their wooden god, build shrines and invent rituals for its sake, make sacrifices of all kinds and forms to it, but still the fact will always remain that it is indeed nothing but a trunk of wood!!

What will be of that man when he dies? Will he find that tree waiting for him in the afterlife, to reward him for his submission and sincere faith, and his great spiritual kindness? Or will he find himself shocked with the truth he refused and fought ever so fiercely to deny??

This is the fatal question every man has to pose to himself before it is too late!! Before he sees the truth with his own two eyes!

Am I indeed worshipping the right god? Is Krishna going to reward me for everything I have done to him? Will I go to heaven after death or will I be reborn as a cat or a dog?? Is my creator the one they really tell me he is? Am I really going to go through those things that my books tell after my death? How can I prove that my books are the true books, rather than those of another faith? If I cannot find that evidence,

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