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then what am I here for? What I supposed to do?? Why will I have to die? And where am I going to?

Mankind needs to be saved… yes indeed it does.. the truth will set them free. But are they willing to accept it, when they are given it with clear evidence and sound proof?

We can easily prove to a man who worships a stone or a rock or a tree or whatever else that is a creature in this universe that his faith is false. He can see with his own two eyes that it is as helpless as any other creature. No creature can create itself and the rest of existence.. including far more superior creatures in power than itself!!

Now the question is, can those who believe in a particular deity up in heaven, offer evidence, sound evidence for the validity of that deity, whatever they believe it to be, as opposed to other faiths?

Let’s see…

If for example you believe there is a huge dragon up in heaven holding the earth in its mouth… can you prove to us, the rest of mankind, that this entity is indeed true and that whatever it assigns man to do should be obeyed? Or will you just keep following suit like your fathers before you, choosing to mute all questions that ever ring deep down in your heart without a single plausible answer in your faith? You will have to resort to the books that you have inherited from the fathers before you. Those are the source of your faith, are they not?

So the question will be, can you prove that whatever that is in those books is indeed the truth? If you can prove to me that those books were indeed sent down to mankind from that heavenly deity itself, one way or another, then you are holding a credible system of faith. If you can prove one way or another that this

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