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chance, or contingency (I mean what happens when that might not happen,) the name of a certain necessity. Science has always ruled that there was chaos in the world for the benefit of an abstract order which ensured consistency while a system of relationships from the point of view of intelligibility: if there were no order, it could no longer explain what the ancient Greeks, significantly, called the cosmos, a word which is a designation of the cosmeïn verb, it means to arrange, to order, just as “cosmetic” is to order our hair! Science, therefore, was constituted by the negation of chance that has been called determinism. Yes, but it cannot prevent researchers from going further, it means that these researchers have gone, thanks to modern means of detection, from macrophysics to microphysics, and they had then reflected a movement of particles that escape from laws of physics; they usually have escaped at the same time, the need they had asked regarding the most visible manifestations. In other words, this transformation of physics at the turn of last century, led to the question of indeterminism. After all, determinism is an illusion: if we will look further and deeper, it is the same; finally, we must know the indeterminacy and try to report it in Science, crossing the uncertainty and chance.

Immediately, most scholars have said: “It is not possible!” They must find a way to reduce this pseudo determinism, at least to a new determinism. But do not imagine that this new determinism abolish chance. It will only give rise to new hazards. It does not mean: “There is chance, let’s try to make science” anyway we always call it coincidence that resists explanation, or until such an explanation will be fine enough to show that

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