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The early backward wrist break!

As I began to practice the early backward wrist break my golf swing felt very weird. I thought “this can’t be right”. However I stayed with it and continued practicing this early backward wrist break.

I gradually began to notice the golf club felt much lighter as I swung…I also began to find it easier to drop the golf club into the “slot” during my downswing allowing me to really attack the golf ball from the inside.

Then I suddenly realized, “I’ve been yanking the golf club way too far to the inside at the start of my backswing, and now my golf swing is on plane!”

“This is why the golf club feels so much lighter; I am now swinging the golf club on plane!”

I noticed a more penetrating ball flight with my irons AND my woods…

The golf ball was now exploding of my clubface! Also, I noticed the golf ball was sounding different coming off my club face – it sounded like – “click”.

And this story gets even better…

Five days after learning the early backward wrist break I carded my first ever hole-in-0ne!

To read the story on my hole-in-one, simply Google: “john lynch hole-in-one” spelled exactly as is without the quotes.

I quickly developed much more confidence in my golf swing – I now knew where the golf ball was going. This confidence transferred to my short game and I began to score on the golf course.

I was now thoroughly enjoying the game of golf!

I was no longer happy with pars; I now wanted birdies and eagles!

In three short months my handicap had already dropped to a 10 – that’s 8 strokes!

My dream came true in

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