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Question by Deep Thought: Searching For: What is the right religion and why the others are wrong?
which religion doesn’t take stories from the other religions or Pagan rituals or voodoo? Why is your religion right? Do you really know the history of your religion? facts not hearsay. What is oldest spiritual belief? Wasn’t each religion a cult at one time? Was your religion forced on others at one time? Why is fear the way to push faith on others? (i.e. if you don’t believe you will go to hell) If you assume am an atheist you are wrong! Remember doesn’t it say you should not judge unless. Ye be judged by you God or Spiritual leader?

Best answer:

Answer by maples
i don’t know if atheism is right, but at least it’s original

Add your own answer in the comments!

12 Responses to Searching For: What is the right religion and why the others are wrong?

  • Aurora Ryynänen says:

    There is no right religion for all of mankind. Only YOU can answer this question for yourself.

  • #9 says:

    There is no right religion.

    You would have to hear it straight from God if there is one.

  • Rallie Florencio C says:

    All religions are right but not all the persons in it.
    Every religion can also be wrong but not everyone in it.

  • dshanahan84 says:

    there is no right or wrong religion.. personally i don’t believe in any of it (also being raised in a religious family) i done my own research and now i believe what i want to believe. I urge you to do the same

  • Vincent says:

    Religion was done away with when Jesus Christ died on the cross.

  • yesmar says:

    Just a thought, you can spread the questions out a little ya know.

  • Sanele says:

    Jesus is the only way. Through one (Adam) man we all died then through one man (Jesus) we are made righteous

  • IB Cheatin says:

    some of my teachers have told me that down to the roots all religions are pretty much the same

  • River of Life says:

    There is no right religion

    Salvation is the right way

  • Hiking the Hills with God says:

    All those that believe the Bible is the Word of God and is the Truth and know Jesus died for our sins on the cross and realize their purpose here is to become more like His Son – this is the truth that the Church should follow – the Word of God and nothing else.

  • gismoII says:

    The Catholic Church teaches that all who follow a sincere, honest and informed conscience can be saved regardless of actual membership. However, she also teaches that the best way to follow such a conscience is to be an actual member since this Church alone possesses the fullness of truth and that there is no salvation outside the Church. All who are saved are saved through a very special spiritual union with the Church by way of sincere conscience which is willing to follow this correct path if known. The heavy burden of proof of such a conscience rests upon the shoulders of non-members answerable to God only. Conscience is not an automatic ticket to salvation.

  • Wyn says:

    “Hiking the Hills with God” said it all! Regardless of the denominational name outside on the door, any church that teaches & practices what he described, would be the “right” religion. And one day, we will be united with all these brothers & sisters together in Heaven!

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