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Part Twelve – Recorded Live at the 2007 International Science and Consciousness Conference in Santa Fe New may find more information about Dr. Gibson and his work on the Amazon and websites.
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23 Responses to Secrets of Spiritual Healing – Part XII

  • Ettenyl56 says:

    I greatly appreciate how he answered the last question in stating that science only defines a very small portion of what we perceive of as reality but that the greater portion of the reality of the Universe remains unseen. Science as defined by its high priests cripples the unbounded human potential by placing arbitrary limitations upon us all based upon what can only be measured in a laboratory.

  • furaha72 says:

    Thank you so much for this inspirational and educational talk.
    I learned so much about myself and you helped me answer many questions that have puzzled me for years.
    We are very lucky to have teachers like you sharing this info with the general public.
    Thanks again for providing empowerment tools for the average Jane and Joe.

  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    if you use the Miracle Prayer in that manner, the energy is dissolved…it will not go to others..

  • daydr3amn says:

    I do self hypnosis and therapy which helps on a congnitive level. After i posted that last post, I decided to give your prayer a try and listened to it before falling asleep every night and I prayed for my anxiety to go away. AMAZING!! Two years of chronic Anxiety; the Physical pains in my head and heavy vibrations emanating from my heart went the FIRST DAY after the prayer. When you heal yourself, where does that negative forces you once had go? How can i prevent others from taking it on?

  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    good question, what sort of healing are you doing for yourself?

  • daydr3amn says:

    I’ve recently suffered from chronic anxiety and bumped into your AMAZING lectures by accident. It is now that i realized that the rediscovery of my spiritual faith has allowed me to heal much faster alongside therapy. Can I ask Dr Gibson, If I keep healing myself and undergo self-hypnosis on numerous occasions is that safe? Where would all that Negative energy go when I get rid of it? Should i place it somewhere? Thankyou.

  • FynFlyte says:

    Alzheimers is the result of mercury poisoning from the flu and pneumonia vaccines, so it is certainly caused by detritus, and there is a genetic predisposition towards being affected by mercury to a greater of lesser degree.

  • 271975hctruth says:

    cultivation cultivation qigong

  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    thank you very much for your warmth and energy my friend..

  • FreedomGale says:

    Thank you for your time, love and wisdom. I do plan on taking these things to heart and learning as much as I can so that I can become a better teacher, healer and be free myself from some things that manifest in my physically.

    I am committed to wholeness on every level. I am confident that the level of my afterlife depends on what I do and become in the here and now. Finding you was an answer to my prayers and affirmations.

    Peace and blessings on your journey home.

  • Curiousquest2 says:

    Healing can take place on three main things, faith,belief and intention, and the bottom line is that the person has the determination to be cured for the suffering of the illness,
    The science will never able to understand the human emotions,mental,spritual and soul ,becuase it cannot be measured.

  • dagodsky1 says:

    Thank you for your time and insight. It is much appreciated.

  • dagodsky1 says:

    Well my reason for the question is based on my attempt on balancing a spiritual quest for enlightenment with everyday struggles, oppression and injustice. Is there a way in which spiritual beings counter this oppression through spiritual activity, or is there time when even a spiritual being will be called to arms to prevent oppression?

  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    there is a reason that you ask this question…what is your reason for asking?

  • dagodsky1 says:

    at what point or is there evere a point where violence is exceptable. (i.e. Black Panthers)Thank you in advance.

  • dagodsky1 says:

    Thank you for your Insight and Wisdom. I have watched your videos often and I am called to your videos from time to time and recently I cant stay away. I do have a question if you would be kind enough to answer. Overstanding you teaching on attracting negative energy through such negative activities such as violence is clear. Must is in the instance of self defense or where a people have tried peaceful means to reach an end (i.e. the civil rights movement)(question continued above)

  • pichpuch66 says:

    Thanks so much again. These are questions I have always wanted to ask a genuine person of knowledge 🙂

  • pichpuch66 says:

    Thank you Doctor for your kind, prompt reply. I really appreciate it 🙂

    Your answers make a lot of sense. I mean, I guess it is not possible for us to completely avoid harming animals, like when they attack us or for testing drugs on them, for instance. Also, in some cold places where not much grows people have to survive on meat and fish.

    I suppose it’s a choice to be made on our part when it comes to eating meat or not, depending on whether other foods are available, etc.

  • pichpuch66 says:

    So thanks for your insight on this. I have one other question, if you don’t mind.. As someone who was brought up in the Hindu tradition, I have heard that human souls reincarnate as animals due to bad karma.. that human life is very precious and rare for a soul in that only after having many, many births as animals, etc does it get to be a human with the potential for enlightenment. But then, you say that animal and human souls are different. I wonder if you know the truth on this issue..

  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    We need animals..and they need us to care for them…there will come a point at which meat will no longer serve you…at that time, you will let it go from your diet…

    Some enlightened people are vegetarian..some are not…it is a choice of consciousness…animals have animal souls..different than human souls…and yes, I have seen both…human and animal spirits..


  • mitchellgibsonmd8000 says:

    There are many animals that have given their lives willingly to help humans…without animals, our race would have died out long ago…some animals however, should not be consumed, pigs are one of them…there will come a point in your spiritual evolution and growth where meat will need to be cast aside…your consciousness will let you know.


  • pichpuch66 says:

    Does eating meat not cause negative karma because it entails harming others which was no.2 on your negative karma list. I mean although people don’t directly kill animals they eat, indirectly they would be responsible for their death too. Are enlightened people vegetarian? Was Ma Indira Devi one?

    Also, I know that you can see disembodied souls in hospitals, graveyards, etc. And I wonder if animals have a soul too. And if so, have you seen any?

    Thanks so much!

  • pichpuch66 says:

    Thank you so much, Dr Mitchell for all your wonderful information. I have so many questions of my own, and I was wondering if you could respond through a reply to this comment. Please do.

    You mentioned that pigs, etc should not be consumed too much because they contain lots of detritus. I was wondering whether meat in general shouldn’t be consumed either? How does being a meat-eater impact on our spiritual growth given that the animals suffer so much pain when they are killed for consumption.

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