by Jorge Pérez
Secular Humanism
SecualarHumanism focuses on the values and interests of human beings. Secular humanism is the most dominant form of humanism. Its confession is that man is the measure of all things. Rather then being focused on human beings its philosophy is based on human values.
In 1933 thirty-four American humanists came up with the humanist manifesto 1, it basically set out their fundamental principals regarding their philosophy. An evaluation of the first humanist manifesto can be summarized in the following:
1. Atheistic, regarding the existence of God.
2. Naturalistic regarding the possibility of miracles.
3. Evolutionistic concerning human origins.
4. Relativistic regarding values
5. Optimistic about the future
6. Socialistic in politico-economic policy
7. Religious in attitude toward life
8. Humanistic with regard to the methods which it suggests to those who would achieve its goals.
Secular humanism is a movement mostly of atheists, agnostics and deists. All are antisupernatural. All are strongly naturalistic. In the humanist manifesto it strongly indicates that secular humanism is a religious movement with specific beliefs.
Hume was one of the most influential figures in modern philosophy. His clear and powerful presentation of skepticism and anti-supernaturalism was a significant factor in modeling the modern secularists mind. However, a careful analysis of Humes crucial positions reveals that they are both inconsistent and contrary to experience. Indeed the heart of his skepticism is self-refuting, since he does not really suspend judgment on the many dogmatic positions he takes about God and miracles.
Secualar humanism is a direct contradiction to
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