Security concerns around the cloud are largely perceptions
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In Its most recent foray, Netmagic Solutions – A managed IT services company – has launched cloud computing services for the Indian enterprises.
In its most recent foray, Netmagic solutions – a managed it services company – has launched cloud computing services for the Indian enterprises. Sharad Sanghi, CEO and MD, Netmagic solutions shares the issues concerning the cloud with the CTO forum. here are the excerpts:
Q:Netmagic Solutions has introduced cloud computing services in the Indian market, but there are a number of concerns attached to it. What are the key concerns that your clients come back with?
A: In the hosting or managed services space, cloud is the latest buzzword we get to hear. According to the recent IDC report, spending on IT cloud services will grow almost threefold, reaching billion by 2012. More importantly,spending on cloud computing will accelerate throughout the forecast period, capturing 25 percent of IT spending growth in 2012 and nearly a third of growth the following year.
Q:So what is this legal issue in cloud computing all about?
A: In fact, a lot of things! A key legal challenge facing the service is misuse of the cloud resources. Maintaining