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body can be creative and relatively independent but an ageing mind is subject to errors of judgment that can be debilitating or fatal. Nutrients that promote healthy sight and a healthy mind are present in live foods such as sprouts, soaked nuts, flax seeds (“alsi”), and fresh seasonal undercooked vegetables and fruits. Fried foods and refined carbohydrates are best excluded. Daily multivitamin supplements should be started by the 30th year and alcohol use minimized so that the brain remains alert and able. Relationships that encourage creativity and personal effort to channel one’s energies in socially beneficial areas are most helpful.

Remain physically active and run your own errands

Be passionate about a daily walk and “hatha yoga” exercises to promote strength and flexibility. Stretch only within your limits and make incremental improvements without straining. Include aerobic activity such as brisk walking or jogging subject to the strength of your knees and the capacity of your cardiovascular system. Exercise under the guidance of your physician if you have not done it before. Keep your midsection trim by limiting your intake of fried foods and desserts and doing leg lift exercises and abdominal crunches. Your waist-to-hip ratio (less than 1.0 is preferred) is a determinant of your risk for cardiovascular disease along with your body mass index (weight in kgdivided by square of height in metres, maintained between 19 and 24). Take most opportunities to climb stairs instead of using the elevator and also walk within your neighbourhood to buy provisions from the market. If you are working in an office, take breaks from your computer or desk at least once every two hours.

Gender issues for

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