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Unlike cardiovascular disease, which affects more men, and diabetes to which men and women are almost equally prone, osteoporosis (weak bones) affects women at a disproportionately higher rate. One solution is weight-bearing exercises combined with supplements of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Walking on slippery floors or other situations that lead to a fall, predispose to hip fractures which are more common among women. Older men are prone to prostate cancer and benign enlargement of the prostate while middle-aged women are prone to breast and ovarian cancer. Married men and women who are senior need to cultivate their relationship from the very beginning in a way that is not entirely dependent on sexual stimulation. Success of the relationship depends equally on both partners and relies on effective face to face communication and genuine love and caring.

Plan for your financial and legal well-being

Saving from your income during your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s is a necessity for those of us who want to remain independent. If you did not save money or invest in property or an apartment and now you are over 60 years of age you may want to continue working a little while longer. Do an analysis of your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (termed “SWOT analysis” by management professionals) so that you can work in your area of strength and get paid accordingly. Consult a lawyer who is known to a friend if there is any lien on property that needs to be addressed. As the stock market bubble has shown us its colours, do your own homework before investing in stocks or mutual funds.

Insurance for your health, life, car and home

Health insurance is

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