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Environmental sensitivity, a relatively new “dis-ease,” is increasing. The body’s delicate system is overburdened by toxins in our habitat and can no longer tolerate the buildup of poisons. This physical challenge mirrors a similar psychological/spiritual experience of heightened sensitivity to all energies. We’re losing our armor, coping mechanisms and ability to accept toxicity on any level. Physical environmental sensitivities pale in comparison to our increasing Cosmic Environmental Sensitivities.

Overtaxed with the task of assimilating and transmuting toxic debris, we’re also overloaded by the impact of the heightened vibrations that are blasting apart all blockages in the soul body. This creates a blizzard of karmic offscourings drenched with more soul toxins than the worst environmental poisons. Our poor little energy bodies are saturated, leaving us exposed and sensitive.

Maybe the Divine Plan wants us to get good and sick of the human distortions that dim our Light. Then, from a place of sheer repulsion, all the past life garbage stored in the soul will be rejected because we have simply become too sensitive to tolerate. When we all agree that sensitivity is a good thing, we can accept the experience of heightened exposure as our collective skin melts away under the cosmic heat of transformation that disallows our density to prevail in the new paradigm.

This mandates our departure from the numb zone. At this cosmic juncture evolution requires us to feel EVERYTHING in order to pick up on and engage with the subtle energies bombarding our world. To become a sensitive means that we are ready to embrace the vast infusion of sensation now filling our

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