A detailed look at how to set up your circle area ready for a Wiccan ritual.
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San Francisco Reclaiming’s annual Halloween ritual brings together over a thousand people to dance the spiral of regeneration. A glimpse of a true Pagan ritual. Author Starhawk narrates.
The song they sing. Is there any way to buy a cd or download that song. I love it and would love to have a copy of that song
These are the Rituals I know and love best, I am so happy to see there are others out there that feel the same way, blessings.
I bought this and the other CD’s from Reclaiming and they all are great! If you get a chance order them!
The song at 4:00 is “Let It Begin Now.” One version of it is on Reclaiming Collective’s Album “Let It Begin Now: Songs from the Spiral Dance.”
whats the name of the song at 4:00 ? thx
Blessed be!
CERN’s Hedron Collider is desperate for a Man Made God Neutrino Soul Particle, when Nature make’s them only when you’re DEAD, and only if you’re worthy enough to get one! Shakespeare: “I shall wrap a girdle (Curious = $), roundabout the Earth” = The Earth’s Lay Line Grid and the Van Allen = ‘Dust Return’s’; can YOU!
2 Kings 18:18, Sennacherib = Dust, Hezekiah = Returns; there’s no room for half brain’s that practice fake ritualistic shite and know fuck all about the Turf = Earth that they’re living on, that’s what you call Deliberate Ignorance!
There is no room in this world for people who feel they know everything.
Not one person in this vid is practicing the original Spiral dance, beside’s, you have to get IN the Lay Line Grid to perform it, and I don’t see anyone doing it whatsoever! $ – Roll of a Book!
what is this song???
it’s beautiful : )
me too!
I am a new wiccan and i would love to festivals like this in the Atlanta area…
was in SF this time last year for a couple of weeks (visiting from England) & went to the spiral dance. It was great to watch and take part in. SF is a very special place.
The day before we were in the streets of SF for the Halloween celebrations. Halloween used to be a big deal 4 children when I was little & SF did not disappoint. In England we have Bonfire night on 5th November so this time of year is always the most exciting time for kids.
Go to the spiral dance if you are in the Bay area
can’t wait to be there again this year, after almost ten years. Thank you all for the time and energy you give to make this happen. I am so grateful!
I owe my happiness to this event, for in 1996 at the Samhain Spiral Dance, I met my beloved and we have been married and in love for all these years since. Blessed Be!
where can I get the song? its so pretty I love it
omg thank you!! i love this video
Hi, thank you for this video.
I love the songs we can hear (there is no end to life there is no eeeeend ; let it begiiiin…. etc), could someone tell me what is it please ?
And thanx again !
I wish they had something like this where I live!
Well, it won’t be THIS big, but come up to Salt Spring October 1 — we’re sponsoring Starhawk for the evening.
you have a very poor attitude towards those of other faiths…you show no respect what so ever…shame on you…I am sure that your higher power is NOT happy with you…prince of power? how arrogant!!! lmao
Your are a lil witch.
Go shove your granny’s wooden dildo up your ass.
… You idiot. I’m not a freaking Wiccan. I just see a brainwashed fuckhead like yourself, making an internet fool of himself. Go shove the Prince of Power up your ass.
Sorry, lil warlock(witch). Your spells dont work on us Israelites/Yasharahla( Prince Of Power).