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A detailed look at how to set up your circle area ready for a Wiccan ritual.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

San Francisco Reclaiming’s annual Halloween ritual brings together over a thousand people to dance the spiral of regeneration. A glimpse of a true Pagan ritual. Author Starhawk narrates.

50 Responses to Setting up the Wiccan Circle

  • PaulArthur1314 says:

    The dress your wearing is beautiful, and you made it on top of that….Inspiring! Thank You! and the information your giving is very appreciated. Bless You Love…

  • PaulArthur1314 says:

    @jessbritt121 If you mean )O( If that is the symbol your asking about it is the symbol of the goddess. It’s a crescent moon, full moon, crescent moon. The three stages of the moon waxing, waning, full. Hope this helps. Blessed Be…

  • pinkygirl1999 says:

    thanks for showing how to it correctly. I’m a solitary witch and haven’t found a covern yet to help me so videos are helpful. I’d hate to do something wrong bring negative upon myself.

  • Eric90621 says:


    you mean )O( it means triple moon, the sign of the goddess
    it is a very powerful and sacred symbol

  • envyisasin says:

    This is a nice video Now i know how to do one me and my friends are going to try one soon but we dont have the right stuff yet but it is on the was! I just want to say thank you for the video. Blessed be

  • ilovepaul55 says:

    @Amethyst2Z it’s beautiful!and i love the pentagram on it!:D

  • Amethyst2Z says:

    @ilovepaul55 Hi, I made it 🙂

  • ilovepaul55 says:

    thank you for this helpful video!love your dress!where’d you get it:D

  • Wiilovewii says:

    Aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi! :p

  • pruedence110588 says:

    @jessbritt121 I think you mean when people put it at the bottom of posts like this: )O(

    its a representation of the goddess symbol of waxing crescent, full moon, and waning crescent/ maiden, mother, crone.

  • TwilightSpeaker says:

    @jessbritt121 I believe you mean )O( its the triple moon goddess symbol (stands for maiden, mother and crone)

  • jovezza59 says:

    @Amethyst2Z I think what jessbritt121 means is the )0(..

  • jovezza59 says:

    @Amethyst2Z I think what jessbritt121 means is the )0(..

  • paganinfo says:

    )O( )O( )O( blessed be

  • paganinfo says:

    )O( )O( )O( blessed be

  • sorcress18 says:

    What am I to do? My birthday is on Litha (( June 21st )) and I would rather pratice then celebrate my birthday but do not know how to tell my parents……what am I to do? DX
    )0( Blessed be )0

  • mimosastar705 says:

    @jessbritt121 it’s- )O( the sign of the triple goddess.

  • tokyomewmewlovey says:

    @jessbritt121 )O( is the sign you mean. It just means the Triple Goddess.
    ( is waxing moon which means maiden.
    o is full moon which means mother.
    ) is waning moon means crone.
    Blessed be

  • jessbritt121 says:

    can you give me a link to a site, , ‘
    what is wicca about. .

  • Amethyst2Z says:

    Wicca is not just about spells or rituals and in fact Wiccans can be Wiccans without doing either of these things. It is a religion and a way of life.
    I’d recomend looking at Witchvox site and finding a group in your area, approach them and ask if they are prepared to teach you.
    Many smiles and good luck,

  • jessbritt121 says:


    i really want to become a wiccan
    can you teach me a few things about it like a spell ar a ritaual, ,

  • jessbritt121 says:


    i really want to become a wiccan
    can you teach me a few things about it like a spell ar a ritaual, ,

  • Amethyst2Z says:

    I;m not sure what you’re asking. If you could be a little more specific, I will try and answer your question for you.

  • Amethyst2Z says:

    Hi, I’m not sure what you are asking? Perhaps you could be more specific and I will try and answer for you.

  • jessbritt121 says:

    what the heck does ( O ) mean. .
    im still learning wicca

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